Docker Based Runner for Behind-The-Firewall use
As a CircleCI SaaS user with Behind-the-firewall resources (artifacts, databases, services) I want to easily run select jobs on my internal network rather than CircleCI’s network.
Unlike current Machine Runner:
- I should not need to define or publish custom images I don’t or won’t use for my other jobs in cloud.
- I should not need to manage dependencies or libraries on said runner (instead provided by my docker images).
- I should not need to recycle physical or virtual servers to get a clean build environment (instead provided via each docker container – as with cloud).
In short, my existing cloud jobs should be easily ported to run on my docker runner in my internal network
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Sebastian Lerner
Sebastian Lerner
Sebastian Lerner
Brian Kemper similar as the one you linked but a little different as I read it.
This request represents giving users the ability to seamlessly port 'Docker' executor jobs as they exist on Cloud today to self-hosted runners. No machine executor required at all. Ephemeral containers that execute the image specified right within the container, multiple containers per VM if desired.
The one you've linked still runs a job within a VM like all machine executor jobs do, but gives users the ability to take advantage of the syntax of the Docker executor to run one container within that VM.
This is currently being worked on, I don't have a more granular timeline to share right now but I hope to have one soon.
Brian Kemper
Is this the same thing as
Curious if there is an estimate for when this might be available?
Sebastian Lerner
in progress