Users desire to use environment variable expansions in few places, namely working_directory and in the environment section.Currently, we treat all values as literals and no interpolation is supported.Frequent patters for desiring the feature is: in working_directory , e.g. /go/src/$ORGNAME/$REPONAME Related to paths, e.g. PATH=/go/bin:$PATH , `VERSION=0.0.$ {CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM} Advanced uses, e.g. TOKEN=$(heroku auth:token)`For working_directory, the workaround is nuisance but is somewhat reasonable.For the environment case, the workaround currently is for users to use an export in the command rather than the environment variable section - which is just annoying...- run: command: | export PATH=/go/bin:$PATH go-vet .... instead of run: command: go-vet ... environment: PATH=/go/bin:$PATH 1.0 uses the export syntax for setting environment variables. This may be sufficient in 2.0 - but it is a bit verbose. CCI-I-67