Deploy Artifact Speedup
Justin Sprigg
Sometimes it's handy to upload many small artifact files e.g coverage reports. This runs in serial and is very slow compared to uploading one large file.As an example, my coverage reports are 8mb/400 files. On my last build 36s was spent uploading artifacts out of a total 1:23 for the whole build.See more:
Kevin Wise
This is amazing! Re-ran a build from a few days ago, and the upload step went from 3m 51s to 23s. Nice improvement!
Sebastian Lerner
Kevin Wise
Another example, my html test reports are a total of 13MiB but taking roughly 10 minutes to upload (~1500 files)
Tyler Jones
Having a similar issue where it takes 45 seconds for our 5m 30s build.
Additionally, the "Uploading Artifacts" will randomly take 10+ minutes, in one instance it took 1h 28m.