Allow to run builds on pull requests and tags/branches only
under review
Chris Bach
I would like to run builds on pull requests and on certain tags/branches only. We have processes that only need to run tests on pull requests, but when we deploy to test or staging we would like to push out a tag or branch and have it deploy.
Currently It's all or nothing with pull requests and testing.
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Benedetta Dal Canton
Hi, PM at CircleCI here.
We have just released a
new feature
that will help with this! You can now set up explicit triggers for your pipelines, and configure them to run on a broader range of events, including several pull request events, one of which is
"PR opened or pushed to, default branch pushes, tag pushes"
.While this doesn’t yet let you define which branches should run even if a PR is not opened (other than the feature branch), it does ensure that tags are always built. The full range of trigger event options available is:
- All pushes
- Tag pushes
- Pushes to default branch
- PR opened or pushed to, default branch pushes, tag pushes
- PR opened
- PR merged
- PR marked ready for review
- “run-ci” label added to PR
We are looking to quickly expand the range of options provided.
For any questions, feedback or help setting this up, feel free to respond on here or email me directly at
cc Sebastian Lerner
Benedetta Dal Canton
under review
Benedetta Dal Canton
Hi, PM at CircleCI here.
We are currently working on a solution (for our Github App integration, specifically) that will allow for much more flexibility in defining which Github events should trigger which workflows.
I'd love some feedback on how we're thinking of approaching this. If you want to make sure your voice is heard, send me an email at
Aaron Burt
Benedetta Dal Canton that's great news! Are there details somewhere on how it would work, or a way to test it yet?
Benedetta Dal Canton
Aaron Burt:
Hi Aaron, there is no way to test it just yet, but I can walk you through the solution we're proposing.
I will preface this by saying that this solution was primarily designed for our Github App integration experience, which is a little different from our oAuth integration because it allows having different pipelines (= different YML files) for different units of work. However, if the feedback is positive, this is extensible to our oAuth experience too.
Just to setup the scene:
You have a CircleCI project
Your project can have as many pipelines as you need - for example you might have 3 pipelines: "unit tests", "e2e tests", "deploy", each defined in a YML file
Each pipeline can have several triggers, coming from different sources (may be repos, third party systems, schedules, …)
In the image below you have a mock-up of the page you’d use to edit your Github trigger specifically.
You have options to subscribe to different types of Github events (push, pull_request, issue_comment), and some "presets" (the buttons) that let you select common scenarios. You can use the presets and/or edit the code in the editors to express more complex conditions if you like.
In this example, for the push event we're applying a filter so that the pipeline will only run when a tag is pushed.
The particular pipeline in the example will also run when a non-draft PR is opened or updated, or if the label "critical" is added, and when a PR comment that matches string "/circleci" is added.
We are hoping that this will provide a lot more flexibility in how you can define when your build shold run.
You would also be able to use the same variables you see here (for example event.action_type, event.issue.pull_request, event.comment.body) to express conditionals inside the config file, using the same conditional syntax available today in config.
I’d love to know:
Do you feel this would address your use case?
Does the UX (using raw logical expressions + some presets) feel natural, or do you find it confusing?
Having seen this, can you think of more use cases where you might find it useful to apply these kinds of filters?
Aaron Burt
Benedetta Dal Canton thank you for the great explanation, and if I understand it correctly, I can just pick any particular set of GitHub repo events to trigger a particular pipeline.
My case is a common one, deploying a test/demo environment when a user opens a PR. If this system lets me trigger the pipeline when a PR is opened, and also on branch pushes _only if_ a PR is open, I'll be a very happy DevOps critter.
Benedetta Dal Canton
Aaron Burt
Not quite
event from Github (there are quite a few but we plan on supporting all that we think would reasonably be useful to trigger CI - starting from "push" (obviously), "pull request" and "issue comment". Your case is indeed a common one, so there would even be presets (buttons) available to select exactly that scenario.
But in practice, it would look like this:
- you'd toggle OFF the "push" event type
- you'd toggle ON the "pull request" event type and express this condition
event.action.type == 'opened' and event.action.type == 'synchronize'
("synchronize" is effectively when a push happens while a PR is open)
Aaron Burt
Benedetta Dal Canton That is everything I could wish for, thank you!
Benedetta Dal Canton
Aaron Burt may I ask a follow up question on this?
We're having some discussions about the best way to interact with this interface. Specifically, we're wondering if ti'd be preferable to have:
- One "rule" for each individual sub-event
For example, this would mean that under the "pull request" umbrella you would have one expression statement for each specific event, e.g.
pull request assigned, pull request labeled, pull request opened, pull request closed, pull request reopened, pull request synchronize, pull request ready_for_review, pull request review_requested, etc
- A single "rule" for each group of events
For example, this would mean that all activity types under "pull request" would be grouped in a single rule.
I'm attaching an image that shows the two options.
In both cases, the UI represents the same set of trigger rules: a pipeline will be run
- on "push" for default branch and branches that start with release-
- when a PR is opened, reopened, or a commit is pushed to it, as long as the PR has the label "/run-ci"
Would love to know your thoughts!
Benedetta Dal Canton
Hi Aaron Burt , just wanted to let you know that we have released a first version of this.
You can now set up a trigger with the option "PR opened or pushed to, default branch pushes, tag pushes", which I believe will let you achieve just what you were looking for.
You can find more info here.
Let me know if you have any questions/feedback, or if you run into any issues setting it up - I'm happy to help!
Josh Flayhart
Yes. a tag filter is an override anyway, separate from any branches, so all I need is the PR Only option to also allow tags to work.