Ability to only run CI jobs in a given region
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![Andre Eickler](https://canny.io/images/c2882a3bb71be8093eb45b68f388dee3.jpg)
Andre Eickler
Being a German company, we are running our instances in Frankfurt and Ireland regions. I would hope that co-locating tests and deployments with the instances would speed up the corresponding jobs.
Andrew Babichev
Have the similar case with GCR in EU and CircleCI VMs in US. Please provide executors in other regions.
James Burgess
We have a portion of our system in an on-prem facility that we cannot run locally. The ability to choose the region would speed up the tests that exercise this portion of the system.
Rajesh Kundwani
it takes lot of time to upload files to an FTP in Sydney, Australia region, causing lot of frustration in running a pipeline, could we get this expedite.
Liya Ai
Merged in a post:
Select build machine location (region)
In deploy/upload task, if build machine(circleci) and target machine (online service) are far away, the network connection is poor, and that brings some problems, those jobs may fail due to network time out. Especially when the target machine is in Asia (China). It would be great if users can select build region, just the same as AWS did.
Mikhail Khodorovskiy
We would like to deploy our Terraform into GCP using CircleCi. The auth key for terraform service account is stored in the circle context but the corresponding GCP environments use VPC Service Controls which require the requests for the service accounts to GCP APIs come form a set of the certain IP ranges. We can't currently use AWS us-east 1 and 2 and us-west-1 EC2 IP ranges since the list exceeds the maximum of 100 for the VPC SC setup. Limiting the region of the build machine to the specific AWS region would solve the problem for us.
Andrei Tchijov
Any progress on this one? I am sure CI has enough customers outside of US to justify running they build machines in AWS regions other than US
Benoit Petit
This would be awesome. We have actually also some issues with APIs that require 2FA authentication. We are able to generate a session file from a client device and send it to the build machine. But those APIs require the authentication request to come from the same location as the next request. With users in europe and build machines in the US, we can't get it working properly. Choosing the country where we run our builds would be a life saver.
Tom H
Running in the same region helps with data transfer as well as the time it takes to "Spin Up Environment". I imagine this could increase the load unnecessarily on circle's infrastructure though.
I'd be fine if there was simply a way to detect the AWS region and make the ECR that circle pulls from dynamic based on the region. Something like:
docker: - image: 12345.dkr.ecr.${CIRCLE_AWS_REGION}.amazonaws.com/my-image:mytag
This would require developers to have duplicate ECRs in different regions, but I'd be ok with that tradeoff.